Links of the Week (Week 40/2015)

Links of the week, curated from our Tumble-Log:


Reflections on holacracy implementation by Alexis Gonzales-Black, formerly of Zappos

“If you look at the trajectory of where organizations are going, it arcs towards self-management, no matter what kind of business you’re in. I think businesses have to be free to scale up or scale back these different practices to meet the needs of the company.”


8 symptoms of organization on the cusp of change

“In theory, organizations are meant to enable us — to make us faster, stronger and more effective than we’d be on our own. And yet today, in listening to my clients, it feels as if the exact opposite is true — as if the organization is actually getting in their way.”


Basecamp 3: Work can wait

“I do believe toolmakers can build tools that help you draw a line between work and life.”


Dear corporates: A quarter if a million of your workforce are escaping…

Digital Economics

Not firms but commons and market networks (Esko Kilpi)

Better conversations and leadership

The core imperative: training in practice (Chris Corrigan)

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