Links of the Week (Week 49/2015)


Here are our Links of the Week, curated from our link collection. In this week we focus on what makes us happy and satisfied at work.

Work Environment

In the EU, chicken caging is banned, but caging employees into cubicles is still allowed. ;-) Dan Pontefract argues that the building and the details of the work environment have a great influence on the engagement of employees. He describes how designing an office building around the needs of people supports collaboration and community building.

Building Your Headquarters To Boost Employee Engagement.

Work Conditions

Despite high wages and job security, people in Finance and Insurance are most unsatisfied with their work. This articles identifies three causes: Behaviour of colleagues and managers as well as poor recognition. Surprising are some numbers: “If you have a friend whom you see on most days, the increase to your happiness is like earning $100,000 more each year.” Why People in Finance and Insurance are the Unhappiest Employees.

Work Culture

Meetings are often the most painful and time consuming part of work. Mark Bidwell explains why “…one of the key indicators of an organisation’s soul is how it holds meetings”. Furthermore his company nowheredigital is developing a practice and a platform for better meetings. You are invited to join the beta test mailing list: Creating a culture of innovation, one meeting at a time.


This article doesn’t really fit into this “happy employees series”, but it is so useful I couldn’t leave it out: Mitchell Harper explains how to validate your start-up idea without burning all your money. Or people. Follow his six wise steps to do the necessary research for your soon-to-be-company.  (And then have all the above articles in mind and work with happy employees). The startup framework to validate your idea before you spend $1.

Auf deutsch:

Nach der Deutschen Bahn in den Links der letzten Woche ist es diese Woche die GLS Bank, die sich als größeres deutsches Unternehmen öffentlich mit Zukunft und Innovation auseinandersetzt. In der #Zukunftswerkstatt gehen Menschen auf Lernreisen, um sich inspirieren zu lassen. In dem interessant aufgemachten Online-Magazin Bankspiegel kann man diese Reisen verfolgen.

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